Nicole Greenawalt
Expertise: Alignment, assisting, ease, and grounding
Experience: 200-RYT, Assisted a 200-RYT training, 6+ years as a student
Why Yoga?
I was first introduced to yoga when I was 14 years old. Back then, I was purely focused on team sports with little to no interest in setting myself up on a mat and being guided to move through a series of poses and breathing exercises. The whole time I was wondering where the intensity was, and all I wanted to do was run out that door and head straight for a soccer field. About 12 years later, I was re-introduced to yoga as a way to bring ease and balance to my body. I had no idea ease and balance would find their way to my mind and spirit as well. The previous years of my life had compiled sports injury after sports injury mixed with some bad decisions. I was lost in depression and anxiety that became my norm. My mind and body were exhausted and were asking for a new way to be. Yoga guided me back to my true nature, my essence. I’ve gained a greater sense of self and gratitude for life. I not only found myself, I found a tribe of like minded people who love and support one another. Yoga taught me that life is not about accomplishments or fitting into a perfect little box of societal acceptance. Life is about finding the love, freedom, and peace inside myself so that I can see the same inside each being I meet. Because when I get free so does everybody else.
What inspires you about the HOY community?
Our community is made up of mindful, passionate, innovative, and graceful beings. All mixing together to create a supportive and loving community. I am able to completely let me guard down and let myself love and be loved. It wasn’t that long ago when that notion didn’t exist for me. There is no place like the House.
Why do you Teach?
I teach to grow and to inspire. To make space for any one who wants to practice and heal. To seek grace and ease. To ground and rise up. When I teach it is from a place of love and kindness so that everyone in the room feels safe to move or be still. To help others find their voice and use it.
Fires me up off the mat?
Nature! All of it, especially anything covered in moss. By love and acts of kindness. Good music, delicious food, animals, art and the people around me. I am lit up by continuous growth, self-development and healing.